Redeeming Credits!
Reward Levels: # of Referrals
1-5 $30/referral
6-10 $40/referral
10-20 $50/referral
20+ $75/referral
Notification of Reward Credits
Participants will be notified by email after you have earned a referral reward credit. This will be upon completion of the job for the referral. It typically takes 3 – 6 weeks for a customer’s job to be completed, dependent on how much other remodeling work they may be doing prior to us doing the cabinet refinishing work.
Redemption of Reward Credits
Earned reward credits can be redeemed for gift cards at any time after they are earned. To redeem credits, a Referral Reward Redemption Form must be completed. Please give us a call if you have any questions.
Referral Reward Redemption Form 100817